19 Style Problems Only Disney Characters Understand

Chipped nail polish, bad hair days, misguided attempts at color blocking. We’ve all fallen victim to the usual assortment of style issues and fashion faux pas. Disney characters aren’t exempt from them either (ahem, Yzma and her chunky mascara), but they also have their share of style problems that come with the fairy tale territory. Just be thankful you don’t have to trim your hair with a sword.

Their accessories give away they’re lying. Aladdin Hat
Accessories can make or break any outfit. Especially if you’re impersonating a prince.

There are some serious pros and cons to glass footwear. Cinderella-Accessories
They might comfortable, but they are extremely breakable.

There’s no such thing as a small puffy sleeve. All-Princess-Outfits-Ranked--Ariel--wedding-gown
The bigger the puffy sleeve, the better.

People judge them if they make their clothes out of curtains. Giselle Enchanted Curtains
If the fabric is perfect for the fairy tale dress, there’s only so much that can be done.

There’s no solution to being a serial outfit repeater. What-Disney-Movies-Taught-Us-About-Girl-Power--Megara copy
Toga dresses are always in style, right? Hopefully, because most Disney characters don’t get too many outfit changes.

They often find themselves adventuring/running/dancing in the woods… barefoot. Pocahontas Running
Someone, anyone, get a pair of shoes over here A.S.A.P.

The great debate between capes and no capes is a real struggle. edna dahling
No capes, capes, WHAT TO DO.

For example, capes can get caught on treacherous tree branches in creepy forests. Snow White in the Woods
Are we out of the woods yet, are we out of the woods yet, are we out of the woods yet, ARE WE OUT OF THE WOODS?!

But, capes look really great in the winter time.
Prince Spotlight Series - Beauty and the Beast and Belle - Birds
Sigh, the battle of the capes continues to rage on.

Sometimes, they have a closet full of clothes and nowhere to wear them. Ken's Closet_Toy Story 3
This is a terrible tragedy.

They can have an unusual and universally frowned-upon love of fur.
Cruella LBD
Okay, this isn’t just a style problem in Disney films. But it goes to new levels when their love of fur leads to dog-napping, evil plots, and terrible driving.

Gloves are not just gloves. They are a major symbol in the story. Elsa Glove
Concealing their true self = gloves on. Revealing your their self = gloves off.

Monkeys will try and take their adorable boots.
Jane Boot Tarzan
Losing one shoe is the absolute worst.

Pink vs. blue. The decision will never be made.
11 Signs_Sleeping Beauty
And everyone seems to have an opinion on the subject.

The only way to cut their hair is with a knife or sword. Mulan_Hair
Why bother getting a lob unless the process is super dramatic?

Mirrors can be a little too truthful.
quote disney songs - ursula
Especially when they’ve cast an evil spell and are impersonating someone to carry out their villainous plan.

It’s difficult to find winter clothes when a freak snow storm hits in summer. Anna Wandering Oaken's Frozen
Oaken really needs to step up his winter department.

They always have to keep your lips as red as the rose. hopeless-romantics-sleeping-beauty-kiss
Can someone tell us what lipstick color Aurora wears? Please and thank you.

On any given day, they have to style an outfit that’s practical for dancing, falling in love, and going on an extremely physically exhausting adventure. Rapunzel's-Frying-Pan
How is one suppose to decide what to wear?
