Pics: Teju Babyface's wife mugged on Eko Bridge, her car windows smashed

They had barely come to a stop when
4 boys leaped out of the shadows and knocked on the windows
with torch lights and asked them to roll down the windows. They were
still trying to come to terms with rising levels of panic when the
hoodlums shattered the rear windows on both sides of the car and
proceeded to rough-handle the ladies in the back seat and collect all
valuables. Continue...

The hoodlums proceeded with impunity
to open all the bags and pour the contents into nylon bags they brought
along. This
was in the presence of all other motorists on the bridge. The robbery
went on for well over 2minutes from start to finish.
they had finished and disappeared into the shadows and the occupants of
the car were able to drive away, they saw policemen further down the
bridge on patrol and reported to them that they had been robbed,
whereupon the policemen empathized (or sympathized) with them simply by
saying 'ah, those boys have started again'.

Luckily no one sustained grave injuries in the attack and Teju's wife is fine but very shook up.
Speaking about the incident, Teju said;
"One realizes that this is becoming almost commonplace and acceptable in Lagos as reports reaching us indicate that it happens daily. That may very well be an axiom but I share this with you to bring attention to what threatens to become endemic. A great contretemps I must confess."

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